Thursday, January 28, 2010

I can't believe it ... :)

Oh My gosh. I created and posted my first post on this blog, and within an hour, within 1/2 hour? within a few minutes? Someone found me? Someone found me who actually could understand what I was talking about? Who felt the same way? That's just too ...surreal?

I had figured it would be months before anyone ever found me. Ever read this blog. And I get a reader, a commenter, and a follower all in an hour? Thank You God! :) He's great in his faithfulness. I needed a little pick me up, he knew that, he let me to create this blog, and he led you to find me. How wonderful it is to have a God like that. :) It just reminds me that He does care, even when I don't feel his presence.

I hope I don't put you off by my "God-talk", I would never shove my beliefs on anyone else. I certainly pray that you have the relationship with God and Jesus that I do, but I am a firm believer in free will as well. God made us with free will for a reason, he doesn't want instinctual worship, he wants us to WANT to give it to him. Isn't that great?

I've been thinking all day what to type about today. I am actually having a pretty good day. Still struggling with being a mom. How do I teach my pre-teen son to deal with his anxiety without actually being his "crutch"? He wants me to sit by him while he goes to sleep and talk with him, but after doing that for a week or so, I just feel like he needs to start learning to fall asleep on his own. I'm reminded of when he was 4 months old, and all the books say not to "ferberize" until 6 months, but this boy, this extremely smart boy was making us walk up and down the hall to put him to sleep and was looking at us and fighting sleep just because he didn't want to be put down! at 4 months I remind you. So smart, so stubborn. We did "ferberize" him and it worked well within a few days.

The Ferber Method is when you put a baby down in their crib, and pat their back and then walk out. If they cry, you come back in 5 minutes, pat their back (do not pick them up) and then walk out again for another 5 minutes. and repeat. As they get better at it, you increase the time between pats - 5 min, 7 min, 10 min... and in this way they learn that you will come back, that they are safe, and that they can put themselves to sleep. I highly recommend the book "Solve Your Child's Sleep Problems" by Richard Ferber, MD. Found at Amazon

But this past few weeks is reminding me of that. He is older now, more able to understand what is going on, but it's so hard to hear him ask for me and having to say "no". Just like it was so hard to stand outside his room when he was a baby and listen to him cry for the 5 minutes I had to wait before I could go in and reassure him and then leave again. I tell him I want to talk to him, but not at 9:30 at night. If he wants to have one-on-one conversation, we can find another time of day for our chats. *sigh* it's just so hard to say no, so hard to be a mother.

Sometimes I wonder why God gave me two boys. Each of them are totally different from the other. Two ends of the spectrum, and the same mother is supposed to raise them both? What a sense of humor! Sometimes I wish for a girl, twin girls actually, because I have two girl names that I have never used. God has his reason, but I still wonder and have a small bit of hope. Someday maybe, but not in the way I imagined it.

Well, it's bitterly cold here, but atleast the sun is shining. Spring will come, eventually. Wonder what Mr. Groundhog is going to see on the 2nd. Hopefully nothing so that spring will be early! :)

More later . . .


  1. yes GOD IS GOOD! ALL the time! No I do not mind you talking about God or Jesus! I love Him too!

    sigh....I am so thankful you are here and writing this blog. really...I am. My son is now 11 years old (with high functioning autism) and he still likes to have "sleepovers" in my room and bed and I let him. I know this all passes by so quickly...and while he is and does soothe himself and sleep on his own...he also likes to talk at night in bed....or have that special time with me while he is falling asleep.

    I say treasure that time your son wants to talk with you! No matter the time of day. Soak it up! Maybe you can make a deal where you go in and spend so many minutes talking with him at night before he falls asleep? This may provide him with what he might need now and you time to talk with him. I don't know your daily routines and hope I am not over-stepping my bounds by saying all this. In my particular situation I would just enjoy that time cause I know it is fleeting. One day they will be grown young men walking out that door. I can always read a book or watch a television show or sleep. I won't be able to get back those minutes spent with my son though.

    I hope you have had a wonderful day today! Your posts have certainly brightened mine!

  2. son does not sleep in my room on a regular basis. He has his own room and bed....but he still will do sleepovers from time to time. Hope I did not give the impression he was sleeping in my room all the time cause he is not. I know that would not be healthy for him or help him to learn to be okay at night without me there. BUT it is also healthy for him to have that time with me on occasion. I know it does me good too!

  3. You are not overstepping your bounds, I'm always open to other's ideas. Part of why I decided to stop, is that dh and I need time in the evening as well, as he gets up early and so needs to try to go to bed early as well. It's such a hard balancing act to give to your kids, but also place your husband first. Dh and Ihaven't had a date in I don't know how long, and we really need to change that, but fatigue sets in and we generally spend evenings on the couch watching tv and me either reading or doing handwork. (It's nearly impossible for me to sit and do nothing but watch tv in the evening) I'll think about your suggestion, and maybe do an evening talk with him a couple times a week, I just know that I can't do it every night. It takes too much out of me and too much away from dh & I.
